Rarely, however, is the utter speciousness of its use laid as hilariously bare as in this ridiculous op-ed in the Freeport, IL Journal-Standard, in which the Rev. Patrick Vandenburgh calls for "a Christian Revolutionary War."
It is time for a new Christian revolutionary war. It is time for Christians all over the United States to stand up for our Judeo-Christian heritage.Really? Just the Christians? Not the Jews, lol?
Once the good reverend really outlines what he wants, it's pretty clear why the Jews might not be interested:
The true church of Jesus Christ must arise in this desperate hour and storm heaven with our prayers. We must not relent until our Christian heritage is established again in every aspect of society.Even the Jewish aspects! In fact, especially those!
We are and will always be a Christian nation that serves Jesus Christ and His kingdom.So…what, then, does that "Judeo" part in "our Judeo-Christian heritage" actually cover?
Oh, right. Your ass.
Against charges of intolerance, exclusion, and prejudice in front of coffers-filling followers too stupid or scared to look too closely at what they're really supporting, or too shameless to care.
[H/T to Caitie.]
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