You Go, Grrl: Kimberly Anyadike

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A full transcript of the video is below, and the L.A. Times has a story here.

[H/T to Jessica.]
Voiceover: First a low pass over Compton Airport, a sharp pull-up, then touch-down around 9:30 this morning. Twenty-three cities in thirteen days: Impressive for any pilot, but then this one happens to be just fifteen years old—and now the youngest African-American [woman] to fly coast-to-coast.

Unnamed man on video helping Levi Thornhill deplane: Six thousand miles.

Levi Thornhill: I needed that!

Voiceover: First to come out was Tuskegee Airman Levi Thornhill. The historic flight a salute to the brave African-American pilots who flew during World War II, and Thornhill himself brave enough at age 86 to fly with a fifteen-year-old for sixty hours.

Thornhill: When my knees ached, I rubbed 'em. [chuckles] That's about all you can do.

Voiceover: Then out came Kimberly Anyadike, tired but elated. She says the toughest part was the turbulence.

Kimberly Anyadike: There's a lot of turbulence, especially over Texas and Arizona, 'cause all the heat and stuff, and the winds—so, it was knocking us around for awhile.

Reporter: How did you get through it?

Anyadike: Overcorrecting. [laughs] No, I tried to be as cool as I could be with the controls and stuff.

Reporter [to Thornhill]: How'd she do?

Thornhill: Wonderful.

Voiceover: Kimberly brought back souvenirs, including signatures [on the plane] from all across the country. Now it's time to be a teenager again.

Reporter: What kind of things do you want to do now, now that you're back home?

Anyadike: Eat, sleep. [laughs] Relax. [nods] Oh, I have to finish my AP homework, too!

Voiceover: Her next goal is to get her pilot license and fly solo.

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