Mount Shastan Craig Vivas asked Herger if "health care is a right?" and if not, "Who should be denied? Forty seven million people are without health care insurance in America," Vivas said.Herger calls that a response, I call it something else: a steaming pile of horse shit. If he would just come out and say that he thinks health care is a privilege, I'd actually have more respect for him. Of course, the bottom line is that he, like a lot of his colleagues, have nothing constructive to really add to the conversation. After all, the new party mantra is, "Just say no!"
Herger responded by saying "everyone should have access to health care" without declaring it a "right."
"You call it a right. I call it something else," Herger said.
When challenged by another constituent about our our health care ranking in the world and how the current status quo sends families with insurance into bankruptcy due to medical bills, Herger offered this nugget of advice:
"There are many things we can do," Herger responded without going into specifics.Yes, it is hard to go into specifics when there aren't any specifics to be offered. Oh - and as a bonus, here's one thing that Herger does embrace:
"I am a proud right wing terrorist," [one speaker] declared to cheers.I guess the war on terror really is over! Wheeee!
Herger praised the man's attitude.
"Amen, God bless you," Herger said with a broad smile. "There is a great American."
[H/T to ThinkProgress]
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