Iain just forwarded me this trash pile from MSN Lifestyle, a reprint from Cosmo of "The Most Heinous Revenge Stories Ever," which would be better titled "Bitches Is Crazy."
The thing that most struck me about it, aside from its obvious "stereotype fulfillment porn" aspect, is that many of the stories have a palpable urban legend quality to them—cheaters who hand out passcodes, revenge victims who are mystified as to who betrayed their secrets. They don't pass the sniff test.
Which doesn't mean they're definitely untrue, but they're suspect enough that I wouldn't have printed any of them on the blog (even if I were in the business of printing such dreck), yet neither Cosmo nor MSN had the slightest compunction about disseminating them.
But it's feminists who have the nefarious agenda. Yep.
The thing that most struck me about it, aside from its obvious "stereotype fulfillment porn" aspect, is that many of the stories have a palpable urban legend quality to them—cheaters who hand out passcodes, revenge victims who are mystified as to who betrayed their secrets. They don't pass the sniff test.
Which doesn't mean they're definitely untrue, but they're suspect enough that I wouldn't have printed any of them on the blog (even if I were in the business of printing such dreck), yet neither Cosmo nor MSN had the slightest compunction about disseminating them.
But it's feminists who have the nefarious agenda. Yep.
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