Larry King: Moments ago, Senator, Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts wrapped up a townhall meeting on healthcare in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Watch this exchange.[H/T to Shaker Neintales by email, and Shaker Blue Jean in comments.]
Woman at microphone: Why do you continue to support a Nazi policy, as Obama has expressly supported this policy? Why are you supporting it?
Frank: Let me, uh, I will—
Woman at microphone: —a real solution—
Frank: When you asked me that question, I am gonna revert to my ethnic heritage and answer your question with a question: On what planet do you spend most of your time?
[laughter and applause; edit]
Frank: Do you want me to answer the question? Yes, as you stand there with a picture of the president defaced to look like Hitler [woman proudly holds up picture of Obama as Hitler], and compare the effort to increase healthcare to the Nazis, my answer to you is, as I said before, it is a tribute to the First Amendment that this kind of vile, contemptible nonsense is so freely propagated. [applause; woman shouts something inaudible] Ma'am, trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table! I have no interest in doing it.
Frankly Speaking, You're an Idiot
Yesterday, when I posted A Big Tent Filled with Fear and Hatred, about anti-Semitism at the townhall events, I was literally wondering as I wrote it what Rep. Barney Frank, who is not only Jewish but always quick with a impertinent rejoinder, would say about all this. I didn't have to wait long to find out.
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