Stalking by a ragtag group of inappropriate suitors hasn't looked like this much fun since There's Something About Mary!
Actually, at least the Farrelly Brothers had the good sense to make it rather plain that stalking is a criminal act done by disturbed reprobates. When in Rome, on the other hand, makes it the lady's fault. (Why, there's an original twist!) If only she hadn't been so uppity and greedy with her wanting love and all, those men never would have stalked her and harassed her and painted her naked image on the side of a building!
So stop being all in a big rush to find love, ladies. Until we put out another movie about a woman on the verge of spinsterhood to encourage you to get busy marrying and making babies with the next douchehound to come along. At least until the next film about how ladies who actively search for love are desperate weirdos!
Say, that reminds me! Wouldn't a ladystalker film be awesome? It sure would, don't you think, Sandra Bullock?!
[H/T to Shaker Julia for the When in Rome trailer. Stalking is Hilarious: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven.]
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