From Psychology Today, the awesome periodical which recently brought us this gem, comes evolutionary psychologist (read: believes women's love of shoez is located in their cunts and don't even try to tell him that not all women love shoes and really don't try to tell him that not all women have cunts) Satoshi Kanazawa's treatise on feminism, "Why modern feminism is illogical, unnecessary, and evil."
Well. Give him 1,000 thesis-as-title points, at least. I can't wait to read his upcoming piece in the fall issue, "What I Evolutionary Psychologized Over the Summer."
I am tempted to write a response entitled, "Why Satoshi Kanazawa's definition of modern feminism is wrong, wrongity, and wrongity-wrong," but I don't want to hoard all the fun for myself.
Have at it in comments, Shakers.
[H/T to Shaker Behshad.]
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