There have been a lot of responses to The Terrible Bargain We Have Regretfully Struck, many of them quite moving and brilliant, posted at other blogs or arriving secretly, confessionally, in my inbox, almost exclusively by women. I read them and sometimes I cry and sometimes I laugh and sometimes I nod in recognition and sometimes I shake my head in disbelief.
And some of the responses have been less moving or brilliant than angry and threatening, and those have been authored exclusively by men, all of them engaging in one or more of the exact behaviors detailed in the post, without a trace of irony. Which, quite certainly contra their intentions, I find utterly hilarious.
But this, Shakers, has to be the best response of them all: Judging from your pic, you're fat, so of course men aren't going to have been as nice to you throughout your life. That resentment has led you to this moment.
LOL. Of course.
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