"So-called women's issues are stability issues, security issues, equity issues. The World Bank and many other analyses have proved over and over again that where women are mistreated, where they are denied equal rights, you will find instability that very often serves as an incubator of extremism."—Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a great interview in the New York Times about the "gender agenda" of the Obama administration's State Department under her leadership.
I just need to note that this was part of an answer to the following question: "I've been at more than a few women's events with you overseas where the men in the audience drift off to their BlackBerrys or into a snooze after a few minutes. How do you change the mind-set, not just overseas but at home and in this building, that tends to view women's issues as a pink ghetto?" Emphasis mine.
[H/T to Ann.]
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