"being a blogger/activist that speaks against the actions of the egyptian government can put you in jail. hell, even me writing that last sentence would be cause enough. media support is pretty important to me because of the repercussions of the egyptian government. …[but] 1. if you arent white and shit goes down. you will probably receive about 10 times less press. than a white person would. i dont have the actual numbers on this. just what ive seen. 2. the amount of press you receive makes a difference as to how the authorities treat you. 3. part of the healing, a major part actually, is knowing that people gave a fuck. about what was happening to you. part of the community's role is to help heal trauma."—Maia, who is contemplating who she can "depend on to consider my life and my daughter's life important enough to spread the word in case something happens to me."
[H/T to Shaker Quixotess.]
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