This Is Getting Monotonous

Yet again, a Canadian citizen waits in Kenya for the government to recognize their Canadianness.

If only this were new news. Once again, a Canadian citizen is disbelieved and stranded abroad, and once again, the government is making little to no effort to help him come home.

Now, I wonder if we can discern any possible trait which these Canadians have had in common? What leaps out at me is, they're immigrant citizens, and they've had the bad taste to have dark skin. So obviously, no one could have any belief in their citizenship, amirite? I mean, we all know real Canadians have pale skin and Scottish last names, no? Well, except for the ones who have pale skin and French last names.

Once again, I am left encouraging my fellow Canadians to write to your MPs, and other Shakers to write to Canadian embassies or consulates:

Who's your local MP?

Where's the nearest Canadian diplomatic mission?

Politely but firmly let these officials know that Canadians and the rest of the world are watching, and expecting appropriate respect for the rights of citizens, no matter their birthplace or colour.

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