USA: Beacon of Stupid - It's All Happening at the Zoo

Let's start with the very beginning of this article:
Republican mayoral candidate Anna Falling said Tuesday that putting a Christian creationism display in the Tulsa Zoo is No. 1 in importance among city issues that also include violent crime, budget woes and bumpy streets.

"It's first," she said to calls of "hallelujah" at a rally outside the zoo. "If we can't come to the foundation of faith in this community, those other answers will never come. We need to first of all recognize the fact that God needs to be honored in this city."
While God might be able to lend a helping hand with Tulsa's crime and budget problems, I think it's a bit of a stretch to ask for assistance on the bumpy streets. That's going too far. Still, I'm glad to see that some of Tulsa's citizens think that everything else can wait until creationism makes its mark at the Tulsa Zoo. That's what I call priority.

But it's not just about the zoo. It's about filling the ranks with good Christian foot soldiers:
Falling, who has founded several Christian nonprofit groups and is a former city councilor, also said the next mayor needs to appoint people to boards, authorities and commissions who will "honor God." [...]

When asked whether she meant that she would recruit Christians to serve the city, Falling said she was talking about "people committed to their churches." When asked whether she meant Christian churches, she said, "churches, yes."
I would like to think that the majority of Tulsans will not fall for the blatantly played Christ Card. But then again, I doubt Falling would've gone with this strategy had she not thought she could rope everyone into a Tulsan theocracy with one fell swoop.

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