Liss pointed me, with deep respect and sadness, to this post, wherein the purpose of feminism is pointed out to be completely false, and Fat Princess is shown to be just a cruelly accurate portrayal of reality.
Apparently, the only reason we deluded feminists don't like it is because, yes, we're jealous. We only wish we could be as cool as Fat Princess, and have all the
There's a cruel picture of me, as a feminist, right there in the post, too - but to be fair, I had just woken up, and hadn't had a chance to make myself attractive to men yet. I can't do a thing with my giant horns when I've just gotten out of bed.
Silly me, thinking morning tea was more important than my appearance. On the other hand, at least I know that I'll always have friends in rocks.
But I guess I shouldn't keep all the joy to myself, at having finally found out the true way of things. I'll give you a small taste (yes, just a little taste of that old, computer-generated swagger - sorry, listening to Art of Noise, stuff leaks over). Actually, since I'm just so, so impressed by the astonishing logic skills of the writer, I'll just sum it up here for you. For the whole brilliance, you'll have to go over there and read it yourself - but prepare to be skooled old-style, feminists, because this guy's TOTES got our number (which I'm having changed to something unlisted as soon as I hit post).
Fat Princess, compared to feminism:
- does more for women than Feminism does!
- is honest about fat people!
- doesn't use words like "heteronormative"!
- looks better!
- promotes equality!
- doesn't want to take my delicious pornography away!
- has a sense of humor!!
The team at Titan Studios made a fun, funny game without worrying about whether or not some hypersensitive retards would get upset and look for evidence of misogyny that simply isn't there.Nope. No misogyny there, nope. Glad we cleared that up.
Stay tuned for more endless explanations of why Fat Princess really isn't a bad thing at all, nope, it's really making our poor womanly lives better. Thank Maud for Fat Princess - else, what would we entertain ourselves with? How could we learn the Awful Truth from a troll without Fat Princess for guidance?
I feel (ho ho, I feel a jolly fat joke coming on!) enlightened. Geddit? Geddit? I'm fat, so it's funny, amirite?
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