CTA spokeswoman Noelle Gaffney said Thursday afternoon that the transit agency agrees that this sign along with a similar sign referencing "blind girls" violates CTA guidelines, and that the private company to which the CTA outsources its advertising program has agreed to remove them.Awesome. o.oP!
Earlier, I received word that CBS News Chicago was planning a news story about this for tonight's broadcast. I hope they will still do the story, asking why it is that the ads ever made their way to buses in the first place. What kind of shitty vetting process is in place that it didn't filter something so obviously inappropriate, and what changes are being made to ensure it doesn't happen again?
Also: I'd love to how if/how the CTA plans to make amends for all the free advertising their fuck-up has now given Tucker Max. I suggest a sizable donation to a women's shelter.
[Thanks to Shaker Trifling in comments.]
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