I think the thing that scares me more than anything else lately is Dave Neiwert's accuracy. I'll be very interested to read what he'll say about this:
The AP is reporting that Bill Sparkman, a 51-year-old part-time Census field worker and occasional teacher, was found hanged to death in Kentucky with the word “fed” was scrawled on the dead man’s chest. Investigators are still trying to determine the motive, but “law enforcement officers have told the agency the matter is ‘an apparent homicide.’” “Our job is to determine if there was foul play involved — and that’s part of the investigation — and if there was foul play involved, whether that is related to his employment as a census worker,” said FBI spokesman David Beyer.I wonder if people like Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck who have been busily spreading lies and paranoia about the Census (and Census takers) will feel the slightest twinge of guilt?
I'm guessing not. Just to give you an idea of how seriously wingnuts will take this, enjoy the "humor" of this blogger, as linked by Sadly, No (links there, if you must visit):
Confederate Yankee, ConfederateYankee.comHa ha.
Census Worker Found Hanged in KY
The state, not the lube.
We don't know the motive, or why this man was killed. It's possible that it had nothing to do with his job. Of course, if he was killed because he was a federal census worker, will someone please start taking some fucking responsibility in the goddamn media? Will someone please start holding these people accountable for inciting violence? Can we at least start having an ongoing dialogue about this, and show some fucking courage and call people out on the air?
I'm very, very interested to hear the results of this investigation. I am livid.
My deepest sympathies to Mr. Sparkman's family.
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