This? Would be getting it wrong.
Explains Shaker Gnatalby, who emailed the link to me:
It IS fucking creepy when men just assume that because you exist in the world while female you are open to sexual advances. I get hit on with some frequency while I'm walking to places, and it pisses me off. Am I doing something to suggest that I am open to being hit on? No. I am not out at a pick-up bar, I am not making flirtatious eye contact, I am just existing, as a woman, walking from place to place. That's not flattering; that's patriarchy.Spot-on. The interrupting is really the key. Forget flirtatious eye contact; how about some eye contact, any eye contact at all, being considered a requisite, a bare minimum, before deciding to hit on another human being.
I feel like if xkcd dude, or any of the dudes who hit on me while I'm assuming my blank face of public transportation, considered the possibility that I was a doctor, or a lawyer, or, basically, a human being of any importance beyond a personalized fuck-hole for their enjoyment, they wouldn't feel like it's appropriate to interrupt me in the middle of my fucking commute in order solicit sex.
I guess it's easy to convince yourself that sort of thing isn't necessary, though, when you believe women play games like: "Ignore the Guy So He'll Hit on You."
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