[Trigger warning.]
Shaker Anna emails: "Disappointing. Was the person who wrote this aware that they work for a feminist magazine?"*
[For those who don't want to click through or can't view the text, it's a tweet from Bust magazine reading: "dont [sic] know about you but i'm getting a little tired of geting [sic] raped by my insurance company, lets [sic] demand a public option!"]
Um, nope. That would fall under an Inappropriate and Unnecessary Use of the Word Rape, i.e. things that do not describe the force or coercion of a nonconsensual sex act.
When King of the Douchebags Dane Cook gets this and you don't, you've got a serious fucking problem.
* Bust is an ostensibly feminist magazine, which claims to be "filled to the brim with feminist thought, poetry, imagery," but is probably useful as a feminist resource only to readers marginally disposed toward superficial and self-interested feminism, for whom the consumption of pop culture holds more interest and import than its critical analysis, or for baby feminists just dipping their toes into the pool. Which is not to condemn advanced feminist/womanist readers who read it, but I daresay they didn't come to advanced womanism/feminism via Bust.
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