I was just up at Curves and one of the other women who is probably close to my age came in wearing a black T-shirt, decorated with green sequins forming the shape of a spiky, six-lobed leaf. I recognized the leaf from some of my more "artistic" students' notebooks ("Honest, Mrs. [MamaShakes]! I just drew that because I really like maple trees!" Uh-huh and you've been smoking too many "maple leaves" if you think I believe that.)
The leaf on the shirt had a green sequin smile and big, round eyes made of red sequins. Under the leaf were the words "High Everybody!"
When someone asked her about the shirt, she said, "I bought it at Shipshewana. I had no idea what it was; I just thought it was cute. My friend told me it was supposed to be marijuana, but I wear it anyway because it's still cute!"
High Times
Mama Shakes just sent me this email, which I am posting with her permission:
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