I'm Back

Hey, Shakers. I'm back from my holiday; thanks to everyone who kept things hopping in my absence!

Those of you who follow Iain's Twitter feed already know that we went to the East Coast to visit the Space Cowpokes. It was Iain's first time in NYC, and he was very excited to spend a wee bit of time in the city. We drove out there from our home in the Chicago exurbs, so he also got to experience that gorgeous drive from Indiana prairie to Pennsylvania mountain and beyond, and we had perfect weather for our road trip the entire time.

It was awesome seeing the Space Cowpokes, as always, who are fantabulous hosts and generously let us stay with them. We had so much fun, eating our way through two metric fucktons of bagels and smoked fish, playing Apples to Apples, and getting addicted to Peggle. We had grand ideas to Do Things, with itineraries and everything, but Saturday we never even made it out of our pajamas.

We did get out on a schooner in New York Harbor, which was spectacular, and spent some time in the West Village, where we met up for lunch with Lance Mannion, whom I've known for years but have never had the opportunity to meet in person. He is, for the record, very Manniony—and exactly as charming as our shared readers no doubt imagine him to be.

For the Top Chefies (and/or foodies) among us: You'll be excited (and possibly jealous!) to hear that Space Cowboy, Space Cowgirl, Iain, and I had dinner Friday night at Tom Colicchio's restaurant, Craft. We were all in a sharing mood, so we effectively designed our own tasting menu by ordering four appetizers, entrees, sides, and desserts, and each of us got a bit of everything. It was stunning. There are not words to describe what an awesome experience it was. Space Cowgirl said: "That was a life-changing meal!" LOL. Pretty much.

More pictures will follow once I get them organized, but, in the meantime, please enjoy this series taken in a truck stop on the Pennsylvania-Ohio border on our way home.

What a lovely display of sparkly Christian and patriotic souvenirs!

Eagle + Flag + Totes Tacky = WIN!

+ Made in China = Megawin.

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