Gah. Just watching this speech is bad for my health. I'm totally stressed, totally anxious, and totally pissed.
The Republicans are turning this into a sideshow, because they are childish toads. And that isn't even remotely my biggest complaint.
Obama is yet fucking again trying to position himself as the Unassailable Man of Reason in the Middle of Bitter Partisans by shitting all over progressives. Dude, seriously—alienating the people on your side in order to court people who still believe you were born in Kenya to Stalinist Death Panelists is just stupid. And that isn't even my biggest complaint, either.
My biggest complaint is that this entire speech is about money, when what it should be about is that healthcare is meant be a right, not a privilege, and a generous and wealthy country should be pleased and proud to extend that right to all its citizens—and all its immigrants, migrants, and visitors, too.
End of fucking story.
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