Fans (and non-fans) of The Onion may be interested to see this NEW! item they are selling at The Onion Store:
The shirt says "My friend went to Thailand and all I got was this lousy kidnapped prostitute". Note the helpful disclaimer: "*Prostitute Not Included". Hmm. Must be "ironic".
Notice that the catalog entry just says "all I got was this lousy prostitute", but the shirt itself refers specifically to a "kidnapped prostitute".
The shirt does appear to be an actual item for sale, rather than a joke. I was hoping that it was a practical joke, where if you try to put the item in your cart, a big pop-up appears reading "MEGADOUCHE!" or "IronyFAIL!" or something. But alas, no--it just goes in your cart and tells you that you owe them $24.14 with shipping. Whee!
This shirt is available for men; apparently The Onion thinks it's hip for men specifically to joke about kidnapping sex workers. White (or light-skinned, at least) men, if you go by the models on The Onion Store site.
Just as an aside, I also see they charge extra for size XXL. Stay classy, Onion Store.
Here is contact information for The Onion, and customer service at The Onion Store (though customer service appears to be specifically for questions regarding orders).
H/T TwissB in comments at I Blame The Patriarchy.
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