Scot and Space Cowboy on a Schooner (and Other Pix)

Space Cowboy and Iain chat away, totally ignoring Lady Liberty.

Dudez, you're on vacation! Turn the BlackBerries off!

I'm only kidding, of course. They were actually looking at pictures they'd just taken. We had such a beautiful day to be out on the water, and all of us took a bunch of photos. More of mine below...

I've been up inside the Statue of Liberty and visited Ellis Island, and I've spent lots of time in NYC, but I still had fun oohing and ahhing at everything with Iain, who was taking it all in for the first time.

The Verrazano Bridge. When I told Mannion that the Verrazano was my favorite and that it kicks the Brooklyn Bridge's ass, he told me I should start a bridge war. I'm so gonna. Queens in da house!

The crew of the boat, many of whom are volunteers, asked for help raising the sails once we were out on the water. Iain, son of a sailor in the British Royal Navy and mad Patrick O'Brian devotee, was all over it.

It really was just such an amazing experience. And later that night...

Craft. Yum.

A perfect night in Gotham City.

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