Sanford acknowledged Tuesday that he has been shaken by the failure of a single fellow Republican to back him in his fight to save his job, but vowed to fight on for conservative causes and for "what God wanted me to do with my life.""And let's not forget my voracious sense of entitlement! I mean, what am I—just supposed to quit because I'm a cheat and a liar and an ethics-challenged wankstain? Geez!"
The governor, trying to survive a scandal involving a widely publicized extramarital affair, also ... vowed not to quit despite growing pressure from South Carolina lawmakers and Republican Party officials to resign or face impeachment. He said he intends to complete his term, not to hold on to power but to fight for conservative principles of governance.
"I feel absolutely committed to the cause, to what God wanted me to do with my life," he said in an interview. "I have got this blessing of being engaged in a fight for liberty, which is constantly being threatened."
That's not what Jesus wants, people.
Meanwhile, Mike "100% Track Record" Rogers has outed South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, which could explain why Sanford, despite getting no support, hasn't been shoved kicking and screaming out of office yet, either. The GOP leadership in South Carolina is sitting in a smoky room somewhere, trying to decide if they want to stick with the coop-flying adulterer with a Messiah complex and ethics violations or "take their chances with the queer."
The fact that they even need to deliberate that question says everything you need to know about the modern GOP.
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