Growing up, the sextet of stepsiblings on The Brady Bunch could always count on their TV mom Carol Brady to talk them through a number of awkward adolescent predicaments: broken noses, schoolyard bullies, first dates and general teenage angst.Now I know who I'm going to call the next time someone calls me to help them with their computer or printer...
Now she’s helping a new audience through a whole new set of problems—by providing tech support for aging adults.
The FloH Club is a tech-support hotline geared towards older adults who want to become more comfortable using the Web and connected devices, but aren’t exactly sure how.
Florence Henderson, who dropped by the New York Times offices on Monday to talk about her new service, said she was motivated to start a tech-support service for aging adults after realizing that she didn’t know how to do anything with a cellphone other than make a call.
“I didn’t grow up with this technology,” she said. “It’s like learning a new language.”
Now, as a proficient text-messenger, Skyper and active member on Facebook, she wants to help others learn to do the same.
Carol Brady, Tech Support
For those of you out there who have struggled with new-fangled gadgets and electronics (especially if you didn't grow up as computer savvy as some), here's the story of a lovely lady who can help.
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