The show's Technical Director reached me at Livejournal to let me know (emphasis mine):
I read your blog pointing back at Elizabeth's and while I am not part of the discussion (I couldn't agree more with Elizabeth and she's much better with words than I am) I realized in reading your post there were some minor details that appear to be a bit mixed up in your understanding. There were two noticeably black-appearing POC in the show, both female, one in the chorus and one as the evil fairy. There are other people who may or may not identify or be identified as POC for their Hispanic ethnicity who were also in the show two of which had more major roles (one the love interest and one the stable boy who was in love with the lead).And she was right - I do appreciate it, and I offer my apologies for my errors to the good folks at Theatre@First for being kind enough to point them out to me.
In the grand scheme of the healthy discussion bits, it's not all that important, but I thought you might appreciate the more accurate information.
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