I am a student at Exeter University in the UK. We're having Emma Thompson come to visit and I am one of the privileged few to be meeting her. I intend to use this opportunity to talk to her about the Roman Polanski petition, and find out if she knows exactly what it is she has signed.Sign the petition here. [Trigger Warning: The petition includes a description of the crime.]
I have set up a petition online, in the hopes that I can hand her a list of names and comments next week from the online community (and my own university, hopefully) showing our dismay at her decision to sign the Roman Polanski petition.
If you could post about the petition/let people know about it, I'd be very grateful!
If nothing else, hopefully Ms. Thompson will get to hear that there are people who are concerned and upset about her position, which will maybe get her to reconsider her commitment to the Free Polanski movement.
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