Diversity Dischmersity

I'm shocked—shocked, I tell you!—to hear that the entertainment industry is still riddled with bigotry or [insert some totally bullshit explanation attempting to rationalize a continued lack of diversity here]:
[Ethnic minorities], seniors and female actors have achieved few gains in recent years in the number of film and TV roles they receive, according to casting stats released by the Screen Actors Guild.

"The diverse and multicultural world we live in today is still not accurately reflected in the portrayals we see on the screen," SAG president Ken Howard said in a statement. "We will continue to work with producers, hiring executives and industry professionals in accurately portraying the American scene by ensuring equal access to employment opportunities for all of our members."

...SAG also noted that people with disabilities remain "virtually invisible" in casting even though 20% of the U.S. population has a disability.

SAG, AFTRA, Actors Equity and the WGA held the inaugural Hollywood Disabilities Forum at UCLA on Saturday.
I don't believe SAG even collects stats on out gay and/or trans actors, nor do I believe they collect stats on the number of fat actors who are cast. I'm guessing in terms of sheer disparity, fat people are the most under-represented demographic in TV and films, with women a close second: "The report noted that male actors continue to fill the majority of roles, especially in the supporting category, with about two roles for every female role."

And, of course, one of the biggest problems is that even in diverse casts, like Lost, the more privileged a character is, the more screentime zie is likely to have. There have always been at least six major characters who are white, straight, cis, able-bodied men, and then the motley crew of main and supporting characters of variously non-privileged people. That's what passes for a good attempt at diversity. Sigh.

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