From the First Family of Mendacious Dummies

You don't even have to pay $4.95 to hear Jeb Bush, son of former president Wimpy Pukeworthy and brother of former president Mondo Fucko, talking crap:
During remarks to a U.S. Chamber of Commerce legal summit in Washington, Bush had tough words for the president in response to an audience question.

"I think President Obama has used the bully pulpit as a way to attack capitalism," he said, according to
File this under "If only!"

Unfortunately, the reality is that Obama is a corporate shill, like just about every other elected official in Washington, who has continued to line the pockets of defense contractors, bankers, the insurance industry, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Agriculture, and about eight gazillion lobbyists for every conceivable corporate vocation, while showing almost no discernible interest in corporate regulation, busting media monopolies, workers' rights legislation, unionization, single-payer healthcare, the reversal of corporate personhood, or anything else that would significantly benefit the average American citizen, worker, and/or consumer.

The assertion that Obama has attacked capitalism is one that has no basis in fact and very little resemblance to anything that might fairly be identified as "reality."

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