(In which I substitute an email exchange between Liss and myself for a scrapped idea for a post.)
Deeky: Some of my co-workers asked me to go to lunch with them at a new place in town called Hunny Bunz's. Apparently it's some sort of Hooters knock off. WTF? I said no. But then I changed my mind. I am going. And taking pictures. And doing a post about it. It's my foray into investigative journalism for the day.
Liss: I can't wait for your post.
Deeky: p.s. If I come back heterosexual, please read me copious amounts of Capote until I return to my natural state.
Deeky: Christ. That was depressing. I don't even think I am going to write about it. That's how awful it was.
Liss: What the fuck happened?!
Deeky: It was just sad. And I couldn't bring myself to photograph any of the women. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it would have been totes creepy and exploitive. And the place was busy. An all-male clientele, excepting the one woman who was with us. I'm sure the place will be a big hit.
Liss: You should write a post that starts with the email you sent me, and then how you got there and it was too depressing and why, etc. That would, in itself, be a very powerful post.
Deeky: Good idea.
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