Question of the Day

What's the most spectacularly out-of-character thing you've ever done?

Without question, my answer is moving to another country for someone with whom I had spent hardly any time in person, someone who was about to move to another country for me.

When I flew to Scotland to live there for awhile in May of 2002, to get to know Iain's friends and family and life before we returned to America after securing his visa, we had spent a total of five weeks in each other's company. Countless hours on the phone and computer, but only five weeks—and vacation weeks at that, with no jobs or bills or daily stressors—together, face to face, getting to know each other's quirks and idiosyncrasies. Five weeks on our best behavior.

Damn. In retrospect, that was some serious trucknutzery. Neither one of us can believe we actually did it.

It seems to be working out well so far, lol.

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