Random YouTubery: What Cats Are Really Thinking

[Transcript below.]

My cats don't think it's funny at all. Matilda was all, "Nice documentary. Hey, Two-Legs, you could learn something from that, you know."
Person [off-camera dude, speaking in the baby voice frequently used to speak to pets]: Hi, kitteeeeeeee!

Cat [speaking in a dude voice: Hey. 'Sup?

Person: Hi!

Cat: What's goin' on?

Person: Were you having a nap?!

Cat: Yeah.

Person: And what did my kitty do today?!

Cat: Eh, nothin' much.

Person: Who's my kitty?! Who's my kitty?!

Cat: Don't do that.

Person: Who's my kitty?! Who's my kitty?!

Cat: Stop it.

Person: Who's my kitty with the pink little nose?! Who's my kitty?!

Cat: Urrgghh.

Person: Who's my sweet little white fluffy little ball?!

Cat [long-sufferingly]: I am.

Person: That's right! That's right! You're my sweet little KITTEEEEEEE!!!

Cat: [sighs; mutters] You'd better not put this on YouTube.

Person: What did you say? What did my kitty say?! Hmm?

Cat: Nothing!

Person: I think you said something!

Cat: Mmmph.

Person: I think my cute little kitty said something!

Cat: [mutters] Leave me aloooooone!

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