In a number of interviews this morning, Snowe, whose vote is seen as crucial for passing legislation, said she would not vote for a final bill that contains a government-run insurance plan.Says the woman with a spectacular government healthcare plan with which I'm guessing she's entirely satisfied.
"The public option would be problematic," Snowe told MSNBC's Morning Joe when asked what changes to the bill could cost Democrats her vote. "As I've said I'm against a public option because I think the government would be another vast new bureaucracy, and also create a disproportionate advantage in the marketplace. And inevitably government's not going to do it better."
Snowe Job
Republican Senator Olympia Snowe, whose vote on the Baucus-penned healthcare bill Senate Democrats secured with feverish capitulations to her various concerns, says (totally unsurprisingly) that they aren't likely to have her vote if the final bill includes a public option.
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