Despite Yahoo's user demographic being 52% female, they decided it would be a good idea to pay for lap dances for male employees [link NSFW-ish] at the 2009 Hack Day festivities in Taiwan.
Yahoo waited more than 24 hours to respond after the public complaints started in earnest, and this is what they came up with: "Hack Girls from Y!'s Taiwan event don't reflect our values. Was inappropriate, we regret offending anyone. We'll ensure won't happen again."
You know what I just love about that response (aside from its pathetically perfunctory tone and complete avoidance of the issue that they paid for the lap dances)? That it's the girls who don't reflect their values. Not the men who got the dances; not the employee(s) who set up the lap dances; not the men who cheered the whole mess on, but the girls themselves.
Who, after all, were just doing the job they were hired to do. Which makes them, by any reasonable definition, more professional than the Yahoo employees who hired them in the first place.
[H/T to Shaker IvyCeltress. Previously in Geek Girls Not Wanted: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten.]
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