You know how over half a million women every year experience violent victimization at the hands of an intimate partner, ten times that of men, and how a lot of those women are straight women held hostage by their husbands or boyfriends, estranged husbands or estranged boyfriends, ex-husbands or ex-boyfriends, and how a lot of those women end up dead...?
Wouldn't it be just totally hilarious if there was a movie that turned all that on its head and cast America's Sweetheart Meg Ryan as a deranged woman who holds her husband, Oscar Winner Timothy Hutton, hostage in a desperate bid to stop him from leaving her for a younger woman?! HA HA!
[H/T to Shaker Julia. Stalking is Hilarious: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight.]
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