World's Tiniest Violin Award

[Trigger warning.]

Actual Headline: Polanski Feels Depressed in Jail.
Director Roman Polanski is feeling depressed two weeks after his arrest in Switzerland to face U.S. extradition for a 1977 case involving the rape of a 13-year-old girl, his lawyer was quoted as saying on Sunday.

"I found him to be tired and depressed," Herve Temime told the Sonntag newspaper, one of two newspapers he talked to after visiting the Oscar-winning director in a Zurich prison.

"Roman Polanski, who is 76, seemed very dejected when I visited him," Temime told another newspaper, NZZ am Sonntag.

"Polanski was in an unsettled state of mind."

[H/T to Shaker Menolly. Commenting Guidelines: Comments expressing amazement the media considers this shit a story are on-topic. Comments expressing total and undiluted apathy for Mr. Rape-and-Flee are acceptable. Comments overtly wishing or making reference to the possibility he will be raped in jail are not acceptable and will be deleted. We don't perpetuate the rape culture here. Retributive rape is not justice; it is barbarism.]

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