Orlando office building gunman on the loose:
Officials said at least eight people were hurt in a shooting at a downtown office building Friday and a gunman was on the loose.Police believe it is a single shooter. I will update the post as/when more information becomes available.
People streamed out of the high-rise building around lunchtime and some told local television stations they had barricaded themselves inside their offices.
Orlando Fire Department District Chief Michael Droege said an unknown number of people were still in the building and could be injured. He said the SWAT team was still trying to pull people out.
"The building is not secure now," he said. "It's still unfolding."
UPDATE: MSNBC reports that at least one person has been killed and at least 7 injured. (Elsewhere I'm seeing reports that two people have died.) "Police Sgt. Barbara Jones identified the suspect as Jason Rodriguez, 40, a former employee in the building who she said was believed to be at large and armed."
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