Poor Ms. Matilda had a rough day Saturday. She spent the morning at the vet, where she had to get her rabies booster shot, and then spent the afternoon being groomed, since she's lately decided she neither wants to prevent mats on her own backside (which she hasn't done for years), nor let me sort it out (which she used to do without any fuss). So I called in professional help. Tilsy was a very good girl for her very nice groomer, and now she has a shaved arse and a new nickname: Lady Butthole Nudington.
Daily Kitteh
Poor Ms. Matilda had a rough day Saturday. She spent the morning at the vet, where she had to get her rabies booster shot, and then spent the afternoon being groomed, since she's lately decided she neither wants to prevent mats on her own backside (which she hasn't done for years), nor let me sort it out (which she used to do without any fuss). So I called in professional help. Tilsy was a very good girl for her very nice groomer, and now she has a shaved arse and a new nickname: Lady Butthole Nudington.
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