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(I'm switching it up today with) Recommended Action Items:
Shaker Michelle emails a request to support her yearbook students: "I am teaching yearbook for the first time this year. When I arrived I found many old cameras in the closet and a few digital cameras. Almost all of the digital cameras are broken. ...I know it seems frivolous to some people, but yearbook is very important for my students, and they are sad that they can't get any good pictures." I don't guess I need to elucidate for this crowd why providing funding to a feminist teacher who's teaching the next generation of potential journalists is, apart from just being generous, a wise investment!
Our friends at First Draft are having their annual fundraising drive.
Philippa recommends participating in the Amnesty International Greeting Cards Campaign: "Our Greetings Card Campaign brings people across the world in touch with each other in a simple way - by sending a card with a friendly greeting or message of solidarity to someone who is in danger or unjustly imprisoned. Below are 32 stories about people around the world who have suffered human rights abuses and would benefit from a card with a friendly greeting or message of support."
And (another) Melissa's got some ideas, too: Act On It.
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