The other day, Liss reported that Shaker Caitlin had managed to secure some time with Emma Thompson, with the goal of showing Ms. Thompson the petition she'd gathered several hundred signatures on. The petition expressed the signatories' outrage at so many celebrities jumping on board the Roman Polanski bandwagon, given that their object of support had been convicted of raping a child.
Today, the UK's The Independent newspaper has an article about their meeting, and about Ms. Thompson's decision to withdraw her name from the petition in support of Polanski.
Shaker Caitlin, you swing a mighty tablespoon, and are an inspiration for us all, and if I can add personally, I'm really proud to share a name with you.
Tip of the CaitieCap to Shaker waywardtapper (who, I later find, is in fact the Wielder of Mighty Teaspoon herself, Caitlin!) for the heads-up.
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