(I will be posting up info on how and where to submit your contributions after the holidays. So get your recordings together now. Unless you're a procastinator, in which case, don't. Wevs.)
And as sad as I am that there may not be a tuba sonata sent in, let me be clear: Any and all submissions are welcome. Lo-fi, hi-fi, refried, covers, originals, mash-ups, audio collages, poems, rants, classical, jazz, disco, country, or even your rap about H1N1. I'm not excluding anything at this point. I'll listen to whatever you're willing to send.
And for anyone who is shy or thinks they're just not up to snuff, give this a whirl:
Sing, asshole, sing! |
There is no way you could be any worse than that.
What I really want to know is, Liss, did you have to look up the lyrics, or did you recite this from heart? And what the fuck is the Pony?
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