What's the strangest thing you've ever found in a pants pocket, jacket pocket, purse, wallet, etc. about which you'd totally forgotten? Or inside something you'd purchased second-hand?
Suggested by Kenny Blogginz, who loves buying clothes at thrift stores and has found various weird crap left in pockets.
Once, when I was about 8, my mom and one of her friends, J, were having a joint garage sale, and J had brought over a bunch of her mother-in-law's junk to sell, too. One lady wanted to purchase an old purse or overnight bag or something of the MIL's, and when J glanced inside while the purchaser was fishing out her dollar (or whatever), she noticed that her MIL had left a little something inside, but decided to let it walk out with the customer sans comment.
When telling Mama Shakes about the discovery later, J said, "I should have charged an extra buck for the used douchebag."
Free gift with purchase!
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