Quote of the Day

[Trigger warning.]

"Battered Presidents Syndrome: It's like Battered Wives Syndrome, except President Obama is the bride with the black eye and Ayatollah Khameini is the abusive husband. And Obama keeps coming back for more."Michael Goldfarb, online editor for the conservative rag The Weekly Standard.

Oh HELL no.

You know, Goldfarb, who served as the deputy communications director for John McCain's 2008 failed presidential bid, once wrote in that role that liberal bloggers were nothing but a "pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd" who "disparage[d] a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement."

Now, I'm actually not a role-playing dork living in my mother's basement—my mother doesn't even have a basement! (and would that she did; it would be a great place to play D&D)—but, if I were, and inexplicably considered that something of which to be ashamed, I'd still be able to say: "At least I'm not a conservative wankstain who thinks discussing foreign policy using domestic violence analogies is appropriate."


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