He is not going to be innocent of murder. There are a lot of eyewitnesses to that. They should just go ahead and convict him and put him to death.Problem is, there's a little thing called the Constitution of the United States, specifically the Sixth Amendment that guarantees a trial by jury. Now we all know that during the last few years the rule of law was a cumbersome piece of bureaucracy and a nuisance to the True Protectors of Freedom like Mr. Kristol, but without it, we'd be just like, oh, the people we're supposed to be fighting, just to come up with an example.
Besides, if we put Mr. Kristol on trial for being a right-wing reactionary knee-jerk asshole, don't you think he'd demand a fair trial before we execute the sentence? After all, there are plenty of eyewitnesses to his crimes, too.
HT to Think Progress and Lewis Carroll.
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