Media Matters has noticed that prominent members of the conservative media sure love using "rape" as a metaphor (note the number of times it's used to accuse progressives of "raping" their fellow Americans):
[Transcript below.]
There's plenty more where that came from. Over at conservative cesspool Townhall, you can find Thomas Sowell writing about "The Rape of Justice," and Dennis Prager explaining "The Rape of a Name Is Also Rape," and Mike Adams bemoaning "The Intellectual Rape of Scott Savage." Et cetera.
It's not just the guys, either: Ann Coulter, for example, is fond of saying that God gave humans the earth to "rape it."
Let's do this again, shall we? The appropriate use of the word rape is to describe the act of forcing or coercing a person into a nonconsensual sex act. The End.
This is, by the way, a lesson not a few fauxgressives could take to heart, too.
Title Card: Why are so many media conservatives so obsessed with rape?
Rush Limbaugh [on video clip]: Well, isn't this good?! Get ready to get gang-raped again folks!
Rush Limbaugh [audio clip from his radio show, labeled June 5, 2006]: Let me just put it in graphic terms. It is gonna be a gang rape. There is going to be a gang rape by a Democratic Party—
Michael Savage [audio clip from his radio show, labeled June 16, 2008]: —mental rape that's going on. The children's minds are being raped by the homosexual mafia. That's my position! They're raping our children's minds!
Glenn Beck [on video clip]: —you know, pretty much raping the pocketbooks of the rich to give to the poor—
Limbaugh [audio clip from his radio show, labeled January 13, 2006]: It's nothing other than a government-sanctioned rape.
Limbaugh [audio clip from his radio show, labeled May 27, 2009]: We need somebody on the Supreme Court who can understand how people in the private sector are getting raped by this administration.
Limbaugh [audio clip from his radio show, labeled January 22, 2009]: Obama said "You get up there, and you rape 'em."
Neal Boortz [audio clip from his radio show, labeled June 30, 2009]: They're gonna rape us. They're gonna bend us over, and nail us, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
Limbaugh [audio clip from his radio show, labeled May 6, 2009]: He thinks these people should have something for nothing because they have been raped! The union people and the disadvantaged, the downtrodden, the poor, have effectively been raped by American capitalism.
Beck [audio clip from his radio show, labeled November 19, 2009]: People in New York, you're being raped by your government. Raped!
Savage [audio clip from his radio show, labeled April 20, 2009]: Obama is raping America. Obama is raping our values. Obama is raping our democracy.
Limbaugh [audio clip from his radio show, labeled June 24, 2009]: He's like a lotta other dictators. He's got the private sector, and he thinks it's always gonna be there to be raped!
Limbaugh [audio clip from his radio show, labeled July 1, 2009]: The way you get all this stuff done, if you're Obama, is you simply insult the intelligence of the average American, call whatever you're gonna— You could legalize rape and call it the "consumer something" and it would pass.
Savage [audio clip from his radio show, labeled August 5, 2008]: —the scourge of illegal immigrants who are running rampant across America, killing our police for sport, raping, murdering like a scythe across America—
Limbaugh [audio clip from his radio show, labeled July 1, 2009]: Likewise you could legalize rape and call it the Civil Rights Act of 2009 and it would probably pass.
Savage [audio clip from his radio show, labeled August 5, 2008]: The Statue of Liberty is crying; she's been raped and disheveled. Raped and disheveled by illegal aliens! But you turn on the cable news networks? Missing children, rape. Rape, missing children, missing children, rape. Rape, missing children, rape, missing children, missing children, rape! How about missing country and the rape of a nation? Why don't they cover the real story?
Beck [on video clip]: We're the young girl saying [puts on scared voice and crying face] "No, no—help me!" [back to regular voice] and the government is Roman Polanski.
Title Card: Media Matters for America.
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