Yes, it's a Christmas tree on a cross. The creator of it, Marsha Boggs, explains:
"When I became a Christian a few years ago," says Boggs, "I was appalled by the secularization of the Christmas holiday. When retail stores started substituting 'Happy Holidays' for 'Merry Christmas,' and schools began calling their Christmas programs 'Winter Plays,' it all seemed ridiculous to me. That's why we have created products that remind people what the Christmas season is really all about - the birth of Christ."I think Ms. Boggs needs to remember that Christ was not born on the cross; that's where he died. So, as one commenter at No More Mister Nice Blog suggested, at Easter we should have a manger filled with colored eggs and chocolate shepherds?
A portion of the proceeds of all "CHRIST-mas" Tree sales will go to support the American Center [for] Law & Justice, ... as well as to the Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.The ACLJ is the legal outlet of Pat Robertson, and the ironically-named Liberty Counsel is the brainchild of the late Jerry Falwell. Of course.
Frankly, I think they might be on to something. Having holidays scattered throughout the year is a waste of time, and it disrupts businesses and families. So why don't we take some of the other holidays and mash them all together into one big one? We could merge Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving. We'd have a big parade, followed by a picnic where we barbecue a turkey while setting off fireworks at Arlington National Cemetery. We could call it Thanks Four the Memories Day.
HT to Steve M at NMMNB.
Cross-posted (HA!)
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