Happy Holidays! I Got You Some Misogyny!

Well, it's that time of year again—so that means it's time to wrap up a bunch of crass and tiresome sexism in stories about shopping and gift-giving!

Shaker Melanie sends along the perfectly titled "Nature's laws of shopping: Men hunt, women gather." And I vomit at the merest whiff of evo psych. Moving on!

Shaker Julia sends along this hot mess, with some commentary:
Some highlights from this gem of an article:
Women tend to care more about gifts. They shop more, and think more about them. They attach more emotion to them. And they can be more demanding and less direct. (If I ask my husband what he wants for the holidays, he will say "nothing" and mean it. If he asks me, I will say "nothing," as well. And God help him if he believes me.)
Wow, what a great way to further the "no means yes" argument that seems to be circulating around rape culture.
"When I began asking people about gifts they received from significant others that had gone awry, examples poured in—all of them from women. (Perhaps tellingly, many of these bad-gift stories involved former husbands.)"

…Once, Cherie Jorgensen, a 32-year-old event planner in Detroit, had a boyfriend who made her a romantic Christmas dinner. He then gave her a super-absorbent hair towel and a man's bath wrap while they were cuddling in front of the tree. "Needless to say, he is no longer in the picture," she says.
Because, ya know, the only thing women care about in relationships is presentspresentspresents.
Meanwhile, I just stumbled across this helpful gift guide, which includes the note: "What has your mom mentioned that she really needs? Just showing you've listened will land major bonus points, so even if it's kitchen-related, she'll feel special." Oooh, just giving Mom the gift of treating her with basic human decency will land major bonus points, huh? Fancy! Maybe with that special kitchen-related gift, Mom can bake you a fucking cookie!

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