I Kodak!

by Shaker BrianWS, who, in addition to Kodak, loves fantasy football and horseracing.

So, to put it mildly, I'm no fan of Michelle Malkin, but she's in my RSS feed, because I figure it's helpful for queers and our allies to know the current disingenuous argument du jour. Lately, she's been repeatedly attacking Kevin Jennings, the Assistant Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, and GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, of which Jennings is the founder and former executive director.

Today, I get to reading a post (to which I'm not going to provide a direct link, but you can find it easily if you're so inclined), which is a follow-up to the one in which she posts the companies that donate hefty sums to GLSEN, and please just take two seconds and look at Kodak's response.
Eastman Kodak Company is proud of its sponsorship of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Our support of this educational not-for-profit organization clearly reflects the five Kodak Values:

* Respect for the Dignity of the Individual
* Uncompromising Integrity
* Trust
* Credibility
* Continuous Improvement and Personal Renewal

When Kodak supports entities such as GLSEN, we demonstrate our commitment to honoring diversity, fostering community, and valuing each and every individual.

I am very proud to work for a company that embraces diversity and respect for individuals. We truly regret that these values offend you.

Deborah A. Shuryn
Senior Customer Relations Specialist
Worldwide Customer Care

Eastman Kodak Company
343 State St
Rochester, NY 14650-0944
Wait. On the off chance you missed it, I'll repeat: "We demonstrate our commitment to honoring diversity, fostering community, and valuing each and every individual. I am very proud to work for a company that embraces diversity and respect for individuals. We truly regret that these values offend you."

Total blub for Kodak. Valuing each and every individual. Diversity. Respect. "We truly regret that these values offend you."

It's about time for a good LOLSOB for me; that sentence alone is enough ass-kicking to make the entire week okay.

I don't even own a real camera and I feel like going out and buying film tomorrow.

Shakers, I encourage you to send an email to CustomerRelations@kodak.com and let them know that we appreciate the boldness of that response, as I'm sure Malkin's original post drove tons of nastygrams their way. I wrote them an email this morning thanking them for avoiding the typical wishy-washy corporate response, and having no qualms about laying out their dedication to respecting the dignity of every individual with the conviction that they did. I thought it was important for me to drop them a note and remind them that just because the Right is louder when they talk, it doesn't mean they're right.

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