Irish Women Fight Abortion Ban

Almost 140,000 Irish women have travelled to Britain over the past 30 years to have abortions, our correspondent adds.

The Irish Family Planning Association welcomed the challenge to the laws, which it described as "draconian".

It said they violated international human rights norms "because they inflict such grievous harm to women's health and well-being".
The three women will be known only as A, B, and C, but I'd sure enough like to give them a big Shaker Teaspoon Salute to let 'em know we're impressed.

You can find the Irish Republic's embassies and consulates here. I recommend a polite but firm letter reminding them that the world is watching.

The best response the anti-choicers have been able to make so far is this amusing little tautology:
"Whatever the human rights aspects are of this, abortion is illegal in Ireland because it is a criminal offence," (Johanna Higgins, co-founder of the Association of Catholic Lawyers of Ireland) said.
Ummm...yah. Compelling. It's illegal because it's illegal, don't you see how important that is? Far more important than human rights! We're talking about the sanctity of a legal code, which can never, ever be changed in any way, because it's, y'know, the legal code.


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