Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Shaxco, future publishers of the pop-pulp-and-politix zine Shakin'.

Recommended Reading:

Thomas Johnson and M. Chris Mason: Obama's Indecent Interval [via Matt]

Andy: Uganda 'Kill the Gays' Bill Will Include Death Penalty Provision; Obama, Grassley, Coburn, Feingold, Vatican Speak Out

C.L. Minou: Ron Gold, Choice, and the End of the Affair

Resistance: Eighteen Years [TW]

Echidne: Eek! Masculinity Threatened Again. Take #356894

Deborah: Full of Win

Angry Asian Man: Photoshop Fail: Just Add Brown/Yellow Heads for Diversity

Renee: Christmas at the White House Failure

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