Here is an excerpt from Stop Stupak dot com's press release:
Broad Coalition Comes Together to Stop the Abortion Coverage Ban in Health Care ReformEmphasis mine.
Washington, DC -- Hundreds of women and men, patients, health care providers, students, religious and progressive leaders and Latina and African American advocates joined members of Congress at a Stop Stupak! event on Capitol Hill on Wednesday December 2. The event was part of the Coalition to Pass Health Care Reform and Stop Stupak! DC Lobby Day. The coalition, representing a broad group of advocacy organizations from the progressive and women's health communities, is sending a strong message to Congress that the anti-choice Stupak amendment and others like it must not be included in the final health care reform legislation. Specifically, the coalition is working to ensure that health care reform is passed and that it does not restrict women's ability to purchase private health insurance that covers comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion care. The DC Lobby Day is part of the coalition's National Week of Action, from Monday November 30-Sunday, December 6.
The timing of the DC Lobby Day coincides with news that Senators Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) are planning to introduce an amendment on the Senate floor that is nearly identical to the Stupak amendment, which goes beyond the provisions of Hyde and would effectively ban private health insurance coverage of abortion for millions of women. .
The National Organization of Women has a list of rallies happening across the country this week. The same link also has a grassroots petition, handouts, and tips for organizing your own protest.
If you can't get to D.C. or one of the other rallies across the nation this week, Planned Parenthood has a list of actions you can take online or by phone.
And here is NARAL's page of action items.
The ACLU has a press release out as well.
Happy teaspooning!
H/T Dr. Violet Socks
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